Monday, August 15, 2011

Why Foster?

Well, it all began with the death of my beloved American Eskimo, Einstein, who died of kidney failure at the young age of 8.  After his death, I wanted to get another dog and as I was doing research on my future dog,  I had remembered thinking Shibas were really cute (when I was initially looking at dogs) but was deterred as I read that they were not recommended for first time dog owners.  So, as I was "googling" Shibas (for my second dog), I fell in love with them all over again and (in combination with being compelled to help all the misfortunate dogs who I came across who were neglected, abused, dog flippers and  BYBs on Craigslist) I wanted to get a rescue.  I had talked to several breeders and it came down to Bea and Aiko (a rescue from Saving Shibas).  I went to go see Bea first and fell in love.  She is a healthy, spunky 7 yr old Shiba!  However, I still felt that I wanted to foster so I contacted Masako (from Saving Shibas) and now I (well, I should say my family) am fostering a Shiba named Zeus.

Zeus is a 10-year old Shiba that has been kept outdoors his entire life.  Zeus is a very lovable dog (temperment wise) but when he came to the rescue, he had a little dermatitis around his bottom--the skin seemed mildly broken.  He was itchy, scratching his belly with his right hind paw.  He licked his paws and shakes his head.  When he was given to me, the director had put him on antibiotics (Cipro), probiotics, and Zymox ear drops.  However, his ears began to gunk up and smell even more and when I took him to the vet, he gave him more antibiotics and allergy meds (prednisone).  So, to help determine what was giving him allergies, I was expertly guided to do an ELIMINATION DIET.  So, the purpose of this blog is not only to help others who are undergoing a similar situation, but mainly as a tool for me to note my observations as to determine the causing agent behind Zeus' condition.  Plus, if I ever undergo this situation again, I can go back to this and look at my protocol (as I have an extremely horrible memory).  In addition, comments/advice/construction criticism will be happily received! :)  

 **Picture Above: It was sooo hot and now the weather is finally cooling I think I will just lie here on the cool concrete, thank you very much.  But, I will leave my paws on the ledge.


  1. yay you started a blog! I'm interested in how you go about the elimination diet. Lord knows when dealing with Shibas, we all have to do it at some point!

  2. ;) I will be logging in to see how things are going.....
